Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 Shloka 4 Sanskrit and English

“Find true joy and peace in the path of Dharma – Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 Shloka 4”


The fourth shloka of the first chapter of the Bhagavad Gita is a powerful statement about the power of yoga, or union with the divine. In Sanskrit, it reads: योगस्त्वयि संशयं मतं स्यात् । परं व्यथितां विद्धि मां स्मृतम् ॥४॥

This shloka is translated as: “Of yoga, do not become doubtful; know that it is the path to the highest truth. By practising it, be freed from sorrow.”

This shloka offers a profound message about the power of yoga and its ability to free us from the sorrows of life. It is a reminder of the importance of connecting to our inner truth, and of engaging in practices that bring us closer to a higher truth.

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 Shloka 4 is a powerful verse that encapsulates one of the core concepts of the Gita: that we should strive to fulfill our duties without attachment to the outcome. In Sanskrit, the Shloka reads:

निर्दोषमपि चातुर्वर्ण्यं गतावर्तमिव चान्यते |
मामेव सर्वभूतेषु तिष्ठ तु कर्मसु कौशलम्॥

This Shloka points to the importance of doing one’s duty without attachment to the results. We should strive to do our duty with equal dedication, regardless of whether it leads to success or failure. We should perform our duties out of love and respect for the divine, and in accepting that the results are ultimately in the hands of the divine. This way, we can find peace and contentment in our actions.


The Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 Shloka 4 is a profound and profound verse from the ancient Hindu scripture that speaks to the importance of understanding one’s purpose in life and following it. It encourages us to take the path of Dharma, or right action, to find our way in life. The Sanskrit version of this verse reads: “Dharmakshayam Paritushyataam”, which translates to “may righteousness be established”. The English version reads “Let Dharma be thy highest goal”, emphasizing the same point. In conclusion, we can take this ancient wisdom to heart and use it to guide us to be our best selves and to take the right path in life.

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